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Topic : Examples in APA format I truly hope I am posting in the right place; I had originally posted within the English Language forum but they told me to come here. Before you go over the questions, -

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I truly hope I am posting in the right place; I had originally posted within the English Language forum but they told me to come here.

Before you go over the questions, I understand that APA states that any quote longer than 40 words must be separated.

I have two related questions:
1) In an APA paper, When you quote an example that is longer than 40 words, is it appropriate to indent it and bring it to size 10 font (from your essay's size 12 font)? For example:

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blay; Bob(2008), an astrophysicist from the University of Boston, gives a perfect example:

"blah blah blah blah blah blah" [imagine this part is in 10 font]

2) If the first question is: yes, it is appropriate, then: is it appropriate to do that with your own examples? Examples that you, yourself have made?

Thank you for any help you can provide :)

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