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Topic : What's a nice title for a persuasive essay arguing that affirmative action is not helpful? What is a good clever title for a persuasive essay against affirmative action? In general, how do you -

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What is a good clever title for a persuasive essay against affirmative action? In general, how do you come up with clever titles?

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"Affirmative action as a detriment/hindrance" "Affirmative Action: Doing more harm than good."

Go over your essay and see if there are any good "tag lines" think of how a movie comes up with the trailer. The title should reflect the overall point of the essay, or be a short version "elevator pitch" of your first paragraph, the one thats usually all, "over the course of this essay i intend to change your opinion about ZYX, to XYZ, as i feel XYZ to be better, and this is why" kind of stuff.

Maybe do a cover letter rather than just a title. teachers usually like it when you go the extra mile.

"Persuasion of truth: The facts they don't want you to know about Affirmative Action."
"Affirmative Actions harmful and unforeseen consequences"

you see, it should just reflect the main view of your essay. try to boil down your essay into the lowest common denominator.

"Affirmative Action, Racist Institution?"

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