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Topic : Should I prefer writing a Hard diary or Soft diary? I have never seriously written a diary before(not even tried casually). I am required to write a diary for my work as Intern and later -

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I have never seriously written a diary before(not even tried casually). I am required to write a diary for my work as Intern and later report it. I think they would prefer a soft version but I can also write a Hard version and later scan it to report it(maybe).

My question is, If I want to start seriously writing a diary, which mode(Hard or Soft) should I consider?(both? maybe...) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Is soft/hard preferable over other for technical purposes contrary to writing diary about life?

I am kinda skeptical because of the rapid ongoing technology revolution and if you are aware the "Internet of Things" revolution in its infancy for which Google, Amazon, Facebook are preparing heavily. The point is, in coming years remaining soft is gonna be the "thing".

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Take the one that most easily fits in your back pocket. That way you can have access to your journal at all times.

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Coming from a science background: People prefer hardcopy lab notebooks (which are a kind of diary) because they don't trust softcopy. It is too easy to retcon with softcopy. There is software specifically written for making lab notebooks that prevents that kind of thing, but nobody trusts it because people are generally pretty stupid about change. (Yeah, even scientists. Go figure.) However, the digital age is upon us, and change is being forced on people whether they want it or not. Many large labs that want to be able to search their records are changing to software-based lab notebooks.

This is a long-winded way of saying that you should do what your boss wants, regardless of which way makes more sense. If he/she is an old fogey who wants hardcopy, then use hardcopy. If your boss is a "latest thing" type of person, then use softcopy. If neither applies, use whatever you want.

Advantages of hardcopy: 1) Instant on, no boot-up; 2) Easy to add hand-drawn diagrams, pictures, etc.; 3) Anyone can access it, long after you're gone; 4) Can be used silently in a meeting; 5) Nobody thinks you're surfing the web.

Disadvantages of hardcopy: 1) Easy to lose taped-in stuff; 2) Your writing may be hard/impossible to read; 3) No access security; 4) Making copies is a pain in the neck; 5) Space-limited; 6) Hard to incorporate stuff you've plagiarized from the internet; 7) Old-fashioned.

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I prefer a hard diary, you can easily maintain it. And if you want to make it soft, just take xerox of each page and bind it :p. So soft :)

But technically I don't really think these matters :) Just keep writing wherever you want to.

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