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Topic : How to mark own translation? In a thesis written using the Author's "We", how do you mark a translation of a quotation as your own? "My translation" violates the pluralis auctoris. "Our translation" -

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In a thesis written using the Author's "We", how do you mark a translation of a quotation as your own?

"My translation" violates the pluralis auctoris.
"Our translation" also doesn't fit with the spirit of the Author's "We" which is meant to include the reader: it's really the author, not the reader who did the translating.
"author's translation" is ambiguous because it could mean that this is the original author's translation (though that wouldn't make much sense).
"this author's translation" is clearer but still not completely unambiguous. Also, it is a switch from pluralis auctoris to an impersonal style.

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What about forfeiting pointing out it's "own translation" and going with generic "Translation by [your name]" same as for all other translations?

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