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Topic : Re: What is the fastest way to make an editor hate me? I was reading an article the other day on "best practices" for presenting my work to an editor. It was very informative. But the inquisitive -

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The top mistake a novice writer can make is, in my opinion, being completely resistant to criticism. Writers may feel like every story they create is their "baby", and each critique on the story reflects a criticism on their own character. Now, this is a totally natural impulse, but one that you need to curb.

So. Responding to every suggestion of improvement with some variation on "you just don't understand my genius!!" is a very quick way to make editors, critique partners and writing group members dislike you. Give in to impulse, scream out your first gut reaction, share your emotions with the universe without first analyzing whether the criticizer maybe has a point.

Treat your novel/short story/what have you as your "baby" and you will earn plenty of dislike.

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