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Topic : Re: How can one establish a discipline of sticking to a writing schedule? I currently have three stageplays, a comic strip, one screenplay and posts on writing blogs (not to mention NaNoWriMo) that -

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The only real answer here is just doing it. no excuses no rationalizations, no ill write twice as much tomorrow, for 30 days find the most convenient time during your day that you are not going to get interrupted, then spend the first 5-15 minutes getting into the right mindset, read your last paragraph or your outline, fill your mind with your characters and their plight, be in your writing space, not bed. and write for 30 minutes without editing, it is very important that you DO NOT EDIT, just write, if you say the same thing three times, its fine just keep going. then take a break for a few minutes, grab some coffee or tea, then do it again. no editing, just get your thoughts or your characters thoughts down on the page, tell their story, action, dialogue, movement. don't get caught up in the details. Once you have done an hour of just writing, then relax, continue writing, do a little editing of what you've written, rearrange some things, but DON'T delete it all, you can do that the next day if you need to but you should never delete anything without taking a break from it first.

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