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Topic : Re: Can I write about an old and real person that is strongly related to a company? I'm thinking about Henri Nestlé, born in 1814 and deceased in 1890. He was the founder of the company with -

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Lostinfrance is correct, but focuses on if you're going to writing about Henri going on snuff-fueled prostitute-beating binges.

If he's just an incidental character portrayed in a neutral light and in line with his actual real-life behavior, in general you can write whatever you want.

Keep in mind that when writing about people, non-public figures (like your neighbors) are a bit touchier. People will get upset over the smallest details, so it's safer to amalgamate several peoples' traits together into a new character.

But if you're sticking to historic people that no living person has met, and the portrayal isn't too negative, you're fine either way.

Note: France and the UK have very, VERY different libel laws from the USA, and are much stricter, so no promises there.

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