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Topic : I'm kinda surprised no one mentioned these, but the dark elf stories written by R.A. Salvatore, excluding the drizt novels, most of these are about pretty evil people just going about their -

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I'm kinda surprised no one mentioned these, but the dark elf stories written by R.A. Salvatore, excluding the drizt novels, most of these are about pretty evil people just going about their evil way.

I personally love the stories from the evil perspective, and agreed, not the 'thinks hes good'. Of course, D&D's 'evil' is quite clear cut and rather shallow.

The problem with writing evil, is you have to first define evil. In reality, there is no pure definition, everything is in a shade of gray, so you need to figure out exactly what you want to portray.

Most fantasy evil is short lived, either redemption or evicted from the mortal coil. Figure out how you intend to keep the story interesting without killing off your main character, or betraying the story by turning him good? reading about some dude murdering children, raping mothers, and eating grannies is going to get old quick.

You might do better with a little gray. Don't make the character evil, make him/her complex. If you go down that road it gives you lots of room to fill in the back story.

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