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Topic : Re: Is there any limit on how long a story can progress without the reader knowing the name of the character introduced so far? So far, I've written about 10,000 words or so and have yet to -

10% popularity

Generally people read for details.

On 12 December 2014, Captain James D. Arkey sat in front of his
computer and typed furiously. His mind began calculating and he
squinted at the response code that appeared on his screen and slammed
a fist down on his desk. "They couldn't have," Arkey yelled at empty
office. "Those dirty rotten..." A thought occurred to him and he
opened another shell window and connected to the DefCon server.

Contrast that to the following:

A person sat at a desk doing a thing. The person did some other things and
yelled out at the walls, "They couldn't have!" The person
slammed a fist on the desk the person was sitting at.

Details are the reason people read. Especially fiction.

Also, what's the reality of that? How many people do you not know their name (or even a handle/nickname/whatever) and yet you are interested in what they are doing?

I suggest you provide lots of details. Many amateurs think they are writing something mysteriously interesting because they are keeping a name mysterious. But it is rare that such non-detailed writing holds a reader's interest.

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