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Topic : Is there a standart way of describe a process I would like to describe a process such as production of fruit juice. When I started my sentence which explains a process and then what the -

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I would like to describe a process such as production of fruit juice. When I started my sentence which explains a process and then what the best way to explain its purpose is in terms of verb and modal preference in a formal writing.

First of all fruits are harvested and then they are sorted so that the
rotten ones will be removed.

Firs of all fruits are harvested and then they are sorted so that the
rotten ones would be removed.

First of all fruits are harvested and then they are sorted so that the
rotten ones can be removed.

First of all fruits are harvested and then they are sorted so that the
rotten ones are removed.

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I would break it into two sentences such as: All fruits are harvested. The rotten ones are removed.

There isn't a formula that I am aware of, but I would recommend trying not to use 'then', using the present tense and using a third person perspective.

I would also recommend using a grammar checker such as Language Tool to show you where there are problems.

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