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Topic : Re: Is it bad writing or just the plot if the hero ends up being as evil as the villain in order to stop the villain's evil? The villain is evil; he does evil things to the world's people. -

10% popularity

No, I think it's a very good plot.

One of Newton's laws is that "every action causes an equal and opposite reaction."

One reason evil is evil because it threatens to make the rest of us evil. In happy ending stories, the good guys stay good, and manage to defeat the evil.

But that is only one of four possible outcomes. Perhaps the second most likely outcome is, "the good guys stay good, and that's why they are not strong enough to fight evil." That, in fact, was the story of World War II (before the Americans got involved).

A third possible outcome is, yes, the bad and good guys "work on" each other, and sometimes the bad guys win. That is your story, it's a realistic one, entirely plausible, and should be told, because it happens more often than people would like to admit. Your downside is that the theme is unpopular.

The fourth possible outcome is also the least likely; the good guys not only defeat, but "convert" the bad guys (Christ and one of the two thieves during his Crucifixation).

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