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Topic : How to communicate multiple meaning in a sentence more concisely? Good day everyone, I have the following sentence: Around 70% of small businesses in the United States struggle to hire -

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Good day everyone,

I have the following sentence:

Around 70% of small businesses in the United States struggle to hire
qualified employees, and around 50% attribute this challenge to
candidates' lack of skillset needed for the job. This is our area of

My issues are as follow:

The word around is repeated twice, and hence feels redundant
I am not sure if people feel that "this is our area of focus" ties directly to candidate lack of skill set of the general problem which is hiring qualified employees.

I am not sure if they clearly understand what "this challenge" refers to.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am mainly targeting hiring managers looking for developers in small businesses.

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Maybe this will work.

Approximately 70% of small businesses in the United States struggle to
hire qualified employees. Almost 50% of those
small businesses cite lack of skills of potential employees as the
reason jobs go unfilled. Filling those jobs with appropriately
trained candidates is our focus.

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