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Topic : Re: How many hours a day will it take to complete NaNoWriMo? Or more helpfully, how do I gauge for myself in a realistic setting, how many hours an evening it will take to write 1,666 words -

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So NaNoWriMo requires 50,000 words over the course of 30 days or 1,666.67 words written per day (total words / total days). Rounding up this means you need to write 1,667 words a day, and you will have 50,010 words at the end of November 30. Let's say you write 500 words an hour, this is an arbitrary number, I've never timed my writing. You would need to spend 3.34 hours per day writing (total words needed per day / words per hour). So you gave yourself the first part of the answer. Set up a timer for 60 minutes and start with a blank document. After the 60 minutes are done, you will have what you need to plug into the formulas above.

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