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Topic : Re: A villain that doesn't even know the hero's existence? In the story I'm writing, the villain is a tyrant who is taking over control of the world (a very small one, with only two continents) -

10% popularity

By all means. Your story can definitely start with the villain not knowing about the hero.

However, I think it's important that the hero's opposition to the villain doesn't go unnoticed. After all, what kind of hero is that? Probably one that needs to up the ante several steps.

I think at the latest the villain should become aware of the hero is at the midpoint of the story, where the hero usually goes from reactive to active mode. In essence, the hero starts to doling out serious harm to the villain which will force the climax and the final confrontation.

For an example of a story where the villain doesn't know about the hero from the start see Braveheart. Edward Longshanks doesn't know about William Wallace from the start, but he surely becomes aware of him as the story progresses.

If the villain doesn't know about the hero, I believe the conflict risks getting a bit impersonal. On the other hand, there are stories where the villain isn't a person (it could be a storm, a shark, Mount Everest) so if you want the villain to be a natural force you could go that way, however, it seems that would make the protagonist seem a bit small... I think. (Check how stories like Jaws deals with this... how about Moby Dick?)

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