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Topic : Ten years ago, if I ran into the name Winterfell in two different books, I would think it was a coincidence. Now that Game of Thrones has exploded everywhere, if something new came out and -

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Ten years ago, if I ran into the name Winterfell in two different books, I would think it was a coincidence. Now that Game of Thrones has exploded everywhere, if something new came out and used the name Winterfell, I would think it is a rip-off. I think you need to be careful about how popular the other book is. If it is as well known as you say, you might want to try emailing the publisher/author and see if they had an issue with you using the same name. Also, while titles aren't copyrighted, some authors may have separate trademarks on various things connected with their work. That's a complicated arena and I'm not an expert, but if the book's title is part of merchandise, you might be in deep water.

I like @Mike .C.Ford's suggestion about having a similar name that also describes the location and is reminiscent of the other book, but still different. Make it your own.

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