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Topic : Re: Transfer from first person to third person I'm in the process of editing my novel, and realized that it would be much better when narrated in third person. i was a much better person when -

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If you need to transform existing text, you must rewrite. No way around it.

If you want to shift the perspective mid-way through, it's easier. It requires a "zoom out" transition of story-within-story.

I breathed hard, bleeding from many scratches, my hand broken, hanging limply, but I was drunk with elation in my victory. I did it, against all odds, I prevailed.

"Good job, Frank." Lee tapped my back. "We've shown them!"

* * *

"And what then, grandpa?"

Frank leaned in his armchair, exposing the old bones to the warmth of the fireplace. He peered out of the window onto the impeccable garden of the daycare center. He smiled at Lisa, his little sunshine at the dusk of his life. "This, my dear granddaughter, is a story for..." - but he didn't finish. The door to his room burst open, and a grizzled, tan man in a tattered dark jacket burst in. Frank's face brightened in a smile. "Lee! It's been ages!"

"No time for that, Frank! They need us!"

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