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Topic : Re: How many words/hour should you aim for when writing your first draft? A couple of axioms here. Firstly, most people agree that you should write your first draft quickly, without too much care -

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I'm late to answering this question, however I'm going to answer it anyway in case anybody else comes across this question and reads my answer.

Like everybody on this post says, generally I'd go with 1000 words, or whatever you're comfortable with. I'm just beginning a first draft, and I go at 1200 words per hour, generally.

However, I disagree with some people on this question. Writing faster doesn't come naturally. If you want to write faster than you're writing now, or you feel you're writing too slow, I recommend these methods which have basically doubled my writing speed:

Music: Not the songs most people generally listen to, but instrumental and classic. It's been scientifically proven that if you listen to this while writing, you're writing speed and productivity will vastly improve.
Outline: Always outline before you work. Even if you're a pantser, you should still try to have some idea of where your scene is going.
Time: Don't write for two hours straight. What works for me is writing in 25 minute increments, with a 5 minute break in between where you can get a snack or whatnot. (Do as many of these 25 minute sessions as you want. Generally I do two, and then if I have time I'll do another one, or another couple.)

I hope you found my answer helpful.

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