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Topic : Re: Is writing only scenes a good way to earn writing skills? I'm searching to improve the way I write, and so I started to create just scenes, for example a battle. Is it a good idea as it -

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Every sentence written, is a step towards perfection, If there exists perfection, in this all so imperfect world.

Writing scenes and non related dialogue chains can be good practice if you keep in mind its merits and limitations.

It will

make your writing crisp.
improve your ability to simplify language enabling the reader to focus on your story.
help picture the details of a scene and paint a mental picture as you write.
Help keep said mental picture consistent between scenes. (You do not want readers confusing a mistake as an element of plot)
create a discipline in you to write a little, every day. But discipline in writing pieces of unrelated text, won’t help much with working on a single plot for a long period of time.

It won’t:

Improve you story telling skills.
Improve your ability to expand a plot to various sub plots and parallel stories.
Help you build characters. Character develops from the first paragraph and end with the final period in your book.
give you the discipline required to finish a book draft. It's easy to start a book, and really very difficult to finish one (Even the first draft!).

All the best.

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