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Topic : Will it help you to get published if you have a lot of followers of your writing? Background To be honest, I really didn't know how to title this question. Anyway, the background. I was sitting -

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To be honest, I really didn't know how to title this question. Anyway, the background. I was sitting around in front of the plan for the second book of my trilogy. Woohoo! I finished the first one yesterday on new years eve, so I'll be able to say that that entire book is what I spent a lot of 2016 on. I was preparing my masterplan, my ultimate gallery of ideas. However, then the deathly thought crossed my mind...

What if what I'm writing will never be read? I might not get it published.

Now, I know in my heart that I am going to get published and I promise I will with every inch of my being. However, I know that it's difficult. So, I came up with a battle plan. I'm aiming to get a huge army of followers, we'll barge into the publisher and... No...

I decided it might help me get published if I had a few people supporting me and my book was anticipated by 'the public'.


If I start a blog, or whatever else I might want to start to gain followers, will that help me get published? Is it worth getting people to support my writing?

I don't need people to praise me so I can keep going. I know that my writing is proper, professional... No, not professional, that just sounds egotistical. I know my writing is good, I know in my heart that I'm going to get published one day. I never run out of ideas or joy I derive from doing the work or anything, so I'm not looking at this in a praise-driven and inspiration-driven perspective. I'm looking at it in a marketing perspective.

Blogging is getting old anyway. Is there an alternative to blogging that's just as good? Maybe I'll start a youtube channel or something, and teach about writing on there, get followers. You never know, it might work.

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If you have supporters following your blog, you might be able to argue that you have an audience who will buy your writing.

However, to be meaningful to an agent and therefore a publisher, your audience has to be in the thousands at the least, and even better, have already paid for some of your stuff.

So if you can sell 10K copies of a self-published e-book, or several e-books, that will likely have more of an impact than 10K notes over 500 blog posts.

(on a separate note: merciful Freya, don't confuse writing and video. I read a hell of a lot faster than most people talk. I don't have five minutes to commit to your video. I can read your page in 20 seconds, and share it in less than that. I rarely share video links. Ain't nobody got time for that.)

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