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Topic : Re: A good approach to show dialogues over radio communication? The novel's in first person. I'm working on a scene where there are five people dispersed on different floors of a building, all talking -

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As a transcriber for various media outlets; in radio (every media conglomerate has their own style-sheet - use theirs - ans always default to AP; but for startups and those lacking SOPs for trascripted audio....

Most new/talk/shock-jock (shockshockshockshock.....) and laaaaaame political talk shows script like this....

[im the call screener and dont have to write this out, if the host even needs it...back in the day (early 2000s...we'd just let Adobe CoolEdit run...if anything interesting happened; we taped it; transcribed it; and put it on the wire...I dont wish to put my fmr media company on blast but if I uploaded multimedia, audio or text to "Chicago" any station affiliate could use it ....

[call screener me - note how many f#c7s I give] KABC...what do you want?

[caller] HI! I wanted to talk to Paul about all these meddling college kids messing up our town and lowering property values...I pay taxes and I'm goddamn sick of [click!]

[cs] line 2 you wanna talk to Paul?

[caller] yes cat Mr. Snoogums ran up the old pine tree on Los Osos again; I tried 911, then the one will take my call??? Also I wanted to weigh in my [racism] against Obama....]


[cs]line 3 you wanna talk to Paul about TODAY'S TOPIC? Should the city council be allowed to shut down the biggest Mardi Gras west of the real one?

[caller]Hello? Hi? Can-an anyone hear-er-e-r me-e-e-e?

[cs]turn your phone down sir...

[caller] is that better-er-er-er? can you-ou-u hear-ear-r me-e-e...????

[cs] click!

[cs]line 4 - anything useful to add line 4?

[caller] My name is General Johnson Boddington.
I was a light colonel over a hot LZ in the 'nam....let me tell you young piece of s--- .... am I on with Paul????

[cs]no - this is the screener; and you never will be if you pop off like that again. Now explain to me what you'd like to say to our host ... use polite company speech please man!!!

[caller] apologies young man...were I to spout off like CO would "make me kiss the gunner's daughter"...and there's no buts about that...

[host] Chris; do we have any legit callers or are you just pullin it back there?

[cs-me] well - it's a bit of both ....

[cs -typed only to host] vamp for a min. I gotta vet line 4. [no reply host gets it]

[cs to caller] ok, I need you to spell, pronounce, append or include any special titles; ill repeat it back.

[caller] you can call me General Boddington

[cs] and what branch of the armed the armed services did you serve?

[caller] The United States Army Air Corps ... and let me tell you this ...

[cutting him off - cs] Division? Battalion? MOS? (verify caller isn't completely full of shit)

[caller] The 336th; 2nd Battalion; I was a bombardier.

[cs] decorations?

[caller] what is this 20 questions? ok...I've got a bronze star and a unit
citation for victory in Panama. My MOS is ELINT (that checks) I wanna talk about this weird light we saw over Vandenberg AFB last night ..

[cs to host] Paul we've got General Boddington; he wants to weigh in on the blue bluish-green sphere we saw shoot across Vandenberg last night.

[Paul-host] line 4 your on the air......

[Paul-host] line 4 your on the air...... [severely annoyed]

[Paul-host] God-[cs dumps out]

[cs] Paul I had to to dump the GD you know what ...

[Caller] Well-elll-ell-el-ll-l I-i-i-i wanted-ed-ed-d to-to-o-o-o

[cs] Caller I'll ask you once more...turn the radio down....

[Caller] My bad...Linda can you turn the...yeah-- ...right there...turn the...good Christ...LINDA!!! crashing noise female scream.....

[host] is everything ok?

[woman grabs phone] yes...we fine...ya see...the General gets very angry when I fail to carry out simple instructions.....

[host] That sounded bad though; is anyone hurt?

[female] no....we-we fine....the General just needs to take his medicine...there there...lie down...youse a good boy...

[caller] baby want medicine in bottle....

[female] little formula for baby??

[caller] yes use the sippy cup....

[female] get ready here comes the milk.....

[cs] click! sorry bout that Paul

****hysterical laughter from cs, boardop & host...cs lays down a bed of "Feels so Good" by Chuck Mangione to drown out uncontrollable laughter.

[CPU] clicks over to local news/traffic, ads, weather, public service announcements, network news....

[cs & host] tag show with apologies; jokes; teasers for tomorrow...bed is "Africa" by Toto; overlaid with credits, outtro, station ID, then Rush Limbaugh.

Credit to Phil Hendrie and talk show callers from Tampa to San Luis Obispo

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