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Topic : Do it your own way or inspire in already done ways? Firstly, I'm sorry if I end up being too vague in my question, but it's really hard for me to express exactly what is the problem. I -

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Firstly, I'm sorry if I end up being too vague in my question, but it's really hard for me to express exactly what is the problem.

I was watching a video of a walkthrough of a game (Drakengard) and listening to the story, when then I remember one of the stories I'm writing, which is of a similar type of fantasy (kingdoms, wars, sword fights, a practice similar to magic, etc.), and I started comparing such game's story, to mine. Then I concluded that my story works in a very different way than how it's almost always seen in other works.

However, I don't know if being so different as I concluded, is a good thing, as in it's an original/new story that would standout from the "more of the same" type of stories of the genre, by one the main characteristics be being so different, or if it's a bad thing, as in it's so different than other works because I'm doing it the wrong way (i.e. doing in a way that doesn't work, that anyone with a greater knowledge in writing don't do that because they know that the way my story works isn't effective/good, or just that it isn't how stuff really works, etc.), or if it's just... different, neither better nor worse.

I can't cite examples from my story as it would be necessary to post here the entire story to understand exactly what I'm trying to say, but what I can say is that the world, although it's based/inspired on the real world's medieval period and most of the story works realistically, the way the world/people functions is just different, sometimes seeming that it's not even fiction, because it doesn't work like it would in a fiction (something like that). The people, kingdoms, etc., seem to not "act" in a fiction-like way, but instead, in a different way, but not in a bad way, maybe realistically, or just... "different". It works in a way that's just not like how it works in the other stories.

I think maybe there's 3 possibilities:

It's just bad writing (likely);
It's just my world view that is different (likely);
It's different because it's original (unlikely, although not impossible).

So I'm afraid to keep it that way, and I don't know if I take the risk or if I follow the way the other works do.

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