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Topic : CMS or web service with points system I've written a book that I want self publish. The book is complete (well I've completed 3 edits and I'm happy with it) so I can publish to a schedule. -

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I've written a book that I want self publish. The book is complete (well I've completed 3 edits and I'm happy with it) so I can publish to a schedule.

The reason I want to self publish is to build an email list to support a crowd funding campaign related to the book.

The problem is I'm not sure how to build the list. I'd like to try asking people to sign up to get access to the complete book, or perhaps implement a points system where when people share or invite they earn new chapters.

Anyway, I started trying to put such a site together with wordpress, but wow, I'm amazed by how unstable wordpress is. Every minor change you make breaks the plugins and I'm spending more time trying to keep it working than i am writing.

I've found sites focused on authors, however they focus on selling not on building a readership who I can interact with.

Are there any sites or services that help me build an email list related to my book?

Additional info

I want to use kickstarter or indigogo for my campaign (probably kickstarter). The book is a fun introduction to science for young girls and I believe there is a opportunity to launch a related product on kickstarter. I'd like to have an email list ready to support that campaign. So the campaign is for a physical product rather than for the book itself.

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Or simply create a Kickstarter? Many small businesses and various types of creative artists find their funding and audience through that site.

Yes, kickstarter is primarily focused on funding, but you may be able to work around that part by setting it up correctly.

I'm not sure about the share-to-gain-content-part on kickstarter (but I find your approach interesting), however, there are multiple "packages" that the "buyers" can choose from...

Here's an example:

You could perhaps implement an alternative payment-method, using a third-party application? I have no experience with such, but it's likely that one exists.

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How about Twitter/Facebook + Mailchimp. Use Twitter/Fb to build up the list of people interested in your book and in each tw/fb post, include a link to your Mailchimp signup page.

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