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Topic : What are the effects of releasing an ebook version months before a hardcover? I would like to know the effects of releasing the ebook and hardcover versions at the same time versus releasing -

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I would like to know the effects of releasing the ebook and hardcover versions at the same time versus releasing an ebook version and then several months later releasing the hardcover. Does this effect sales or reviews in anyway?


I ask this question from a self-publishing perspective. I'm trying to keep costs low while developing the reputation of my book. My theory is to first get reviews of my ebook, then use those reviews to generate publicity of an eventual hardcover release. In other words, I want to test the waters before committing to the costs of a hardcover publication.

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If you do an ebook first, you may get some reviews that may give you an idea as to whether its worthwhile to do a print version. It can save you a lot of money and heartache. You don't have to epublish the whole book, just a few key chapters to get feedback.

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