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Topic : Re: I am teaching myself how to write a novel -- where can I find support and resources? I want to have training in how to write fiction (particularly science fiction). I know that I can take -

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We could all just say, "well, sit down and write."
Learn to Multiply Two Numbers
However, that feels a bit like telling someone to simply learn how to multiply two numbers by sitting down and staring at numbers until they've determined they've multiplied them right.
The student of this kind of multiplication could simply say,

"Yes, 5 times 3 is 53 and 3 times 5 is 35. I'm sure I've got this."

Of course, the student is entirely wrong.
Writing Creatively Cannot Be Measured
That's what the novices tell you. You cannot measure creative writing because you cannot define good writing.
Redefine Writing Success
Okay, let's then re-define what you are attempting to do.
Having a target allows us to measure what we're doing.
Let's say that successful writing as we are defining it here is either:

Writing well enough that a publisher will buy it
Writing well enough that you can convince 100 people to read the entire thing

A bunch of people will probably say,

"Those terms of measurement are bogus! Good writing may not be bought by a publisher and great writing may not convince 100 people to read it."

I know.

But, do you want to learn?

If you do, we need one of those two targets.
I'm going to assume that you've picked one.
Here Is the Training You Requested
Here are the steps you can take:

to write an entire book
make your writing an order of magnitude better


Find a book you like.
Read only the first page.
Determine the over all feel of the page (shocking, happy, discovery, action, etc) What sense do you get from reading the page?
Count the words in each sentence and write them above each sentence in the book.
Find every verb in that first page and underline each one.
Find every noun on the page and circle it.
Find each adjective and put a light squiggly line through it. Read the sentence again without the adjective and see if the sentence works.
Find each adverb and see if you can create a stronger verb to be used in place of the adverb and verb you find. For example if you find angrily picked up replace it with grabbed.
Finally, and most importantly, take a shot at writing something that sounds quite similar to the original authors. This allows you to see what great writing might sound like. I call this shadow-writing. All the great artists in the pasts (Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc.) copied the masters before them to learn. You must do the same.

Here's My Example
Here's my example using one of my all-time favorite novel beginnings, The Partner, by John Grisham. I've shortened up the example as to not take too long.

Sample Analysis

Finally you do your shadow-writing.
Shadow-Writing Example

He discovered it before anyone else in the sleepy town of Philsbruck,
Minnesota had even opened their eyes for the day. He discovered it
buried under a wagon, behind Tom's house in a large field where he and
Tom had ridden motorcycles, when they were younger and still friends.

Mine isn't exactly the same, but it is similar. There is some repetition. There is some mystery about what he found and who he is. You see, you begin to learn by doing this kind of deep analysis. You learn and then you transform this into your own writing.
These are specific things you can do that will make your writing an order of magnitude better.
Finally The Test
The test is:

Can you convince 100 people to read your book now?
Can you convince a publisher to buy it?

If not then you find out why and you re-write with that target in mind.
You can do this. But, you do have to be interested in working at writing.

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