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Topic : Re: How to write a manipulative protagonist that the audience can connect with I've created a manipulative sort of protagonist, one who enjoys mind games, blackmail, systematically destroying people -

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A good model for this is Wolf Of Wall St. That film (and the memoir it is based on) depicts a person who is despicable and unethical in their behavior, but captures the essence of the American dream. His philosophy is "Get Mine."

How does he connect with the audience?

1) He justifies his behavior without coming across as pretentious or condescending. “We sold garbage to garbage men…their money was better off in my pocket, I knew how to spend it better.”

2) He enjoys life in ways the audience has always wanted to.

3) He makes the people closest to him happier, stronger, and more powerful. This means he is a better friend to have. Shut up and be his friend. You'll be better off.

4) He is able to connect with his family. He has lurid conversations with his own father most of us would be afraid to.

5) He is honest about how despicable he is, and doesn't pretend to be a "good person." People with pretenses to morality are beneath him.

He is raw, unfiltered, unapologetic id.

If this doesn't appeal to you, I understand, it didn't appeal to me. But audiences appear to eat it up.

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