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Topic : Re: How many errors per page volume is typically "okay" in a book? Suppose I'm in charge of getting a three hundred page book published. I'll do all reasonable things to get it proofread, but -

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Error Rate per Page Response

total errors/total pages is one way or
total errors/ total pages*100 (Error Rate) limits should be under 1%

I prefer Defects per Million (DPM) DPM should be under 50
Total Error/(total pages * attributes per page)*1,000,000.
Attributes per page is a number predetermined for all calculation. We use a standard 300 attributes per page.

I can standardize this error across all efforts and I classify individual error codes 1-55 to pareto chart which area my defects occur most often.
i.e. typo, grammar, style, formatting etc.

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