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Topic : Re: What should I do if I know the antagonist but too many options for protagonist? I have decided on my antagonist for my first novel. They are pretty much being brought back to power by traitors -

10% popularity

You say you're a novice writer so I strongly suggest you just write! You're doing way too much thinking.

Let it flow.

My first novel had the classic hero + villain + love interest. It took on a life of its own when the love interest decided to kill the hero and the villain.

You should write your first few novels for the journey, the experience. Once you've developed your characters you may find they have different plans to you.

I've had villains who really and truly thought they were the hero and heroes who are corrupted by their own halos.

Sometimes its a case of putting a a fire ant, a mosquito, a beetle, and a cockroach in jar a watching what happens.

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