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Topic : Re: How to focus on external conflict rather than inner/interpersonal conflict? I love creating characters and my plots generally focus greatly on their inner conflicts and their relationships with -

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I am tempted to say that you are in an infinitely better situation than many adventure writers who have a great tally of the most exciting thing happening to their characters, but those characters are lacking personality and, well... character :-)

If developing your cast comes naturally to you, it is great. All you have to do is put them in a situation, where they have no choice than to act physically to overcome a challenge, thrown at them, and you are in the clear.

Creating those physical challenges is much easier than writing a believable person.

Build a wall they have to climb over. Send a squad of assassins after them. Injure them and make them keep going. Capture them and make them find a way to escape decapitation--none of those conflicts can be resolved by talking, crying and kissing where it hurts--and you are golden!

And if your characters manage to pull off some witty and meaningful banter while sawing off the head of the dragon--more power to you.

I would read that story.

Best of luck!

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