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Topic : Re: What, if anything, can I do about Amazon reviews being one-sidedly censored? The Seraphinians is a writeup and attempt to document issues with a movement within the Orthodox Church. They are -

10% popularity

IANAL but I would suggest looking into legal actions for this. I mention this because deleting or removing reviews directly hurt your ability to make money and also your reputation. If people only see bad reviews, they will not buy it and may recognize your name later down the road with another book and avoid it as well. You may need to find a lawyer who will sit down with you to discuss legal actions to be taken.

Before doing this though, I would suggest going over any contracts or fine print that Amazon may have in regards to such matters. Guidelines for reviews are certainly things you cannot control with what others say. However, those usually pertain to vulgar/hateful language or bot spamming. Neither of which appears to be true in the examples provided.

It seems odd though that Amazon would intentionally delete positive reviews as it would cause that item to not be sold and in turn, they make no money. There is also the possibility that those accounts may have done a mass review on many books in which their account got flagged and said reviews removed.

There are honestly many possibilities to this, but ultimately I suggest reading over the fine print of contracts/paperwork/agreements/ToS/anything Amazon made you agree to before publishing the book to their site. Also read over any guidelines or rules to review posts to see if anything was violated. If nothing in there merits the actions taken on your reviews, I would consider finding a lawyer who would do a free/cheap consultation on the matters to see if you have a case. See if there is any other department(s) you can possibly call within Amazon for a better answer as well. Not sure if you would get anything or what you would get from Amazon would balance out the costs of legal fees, but they have hurt your ability to make/earn money by removing positive reviews which could have lead to more book sales without adequate explanations (based on what you have told us anyways).

EDIT: If your book is posted else where, say iTunes or any other store that has a fair amount of reviews with a much higher rating, it may be worth noting and keeping records of. If it came down to it, you can compare the other place(s) to Amazons to help prove your case that the reviews and rating shown is unfair especially with better reviews being kept deleted. You can also use this to demonstrate any possible lost income due to this lower review by comparing making X amount here vs Y amount there. Either way, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can come to closure with your situation.

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