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Topic : Re: Shots in a spec script? I'm writing a feature-length movie screenplay - well it's still at the story stage, so I haven't started to write the screenplay itself yet. I have been reading wordplayer -

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In terms of spec a.c., you are looking to do one thing - impress. The thing is, you're not looking to impress directors or cinematographers. Agents, yes. But before your work gets anywhere near a director it has to go through a script reader. Readers will see hundreds of scripts a week, and the first thing they'll look for is format. If it isn't formatted properly, it's in the bin before they've read the opening line. With that in mind I would get rid of any stage direction. At spec stage they don't care what shot is what or how it looks or how funny it is. All they care about is that you can write in a way that translates easily to those who can't see the film inside your head, i.e. everyone. If you can hook them with solid work, then you'll get them reading. That's your goal.

I think if I could offer any additional advice it'd be this; your work is precious to you, but if you want it to be successful, be prepared to be ruthless to it. 'Kill your children' is a term I've heard a few times with it, and it's accurate. If you aren't directing it and shooting it yourself, others will, and 9 times out of 10 they won't see what you see and they'll butcher it. If you want it made, let them. If you have something you are 100% protective over, save it for yourself and don't let anyone near it. It sounds brutal, and is in truth, but it's a collaborative process, in a more populated way than novel writing I feel, and you need to be able to hurt your baby in order to get it made.

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