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Topic : Re: Correcting a handwritten manuscript I used to write on a word processing software, so all the work of rewriting, correcting, editing was easy. Now I'm more and more inclined to handwrite my -

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I don't why in this day and age anybody would want to handwrite a manuscript but we are not all the same. However, your manuscript will have be entered into a computer at some point so bear this in mind when creating a process.

When I used to commute I hand wrote NEW chapters on a ruled writing pad - I called this CREATIVE mode.

Bear in mind it is almost impossible to 'edit' and 'create' in the same mindset. When in creative mode you are inside the story, living it. When editing you are outside the story looking for errors in short sections of text.

Periodically, I'd transcribe my scrawl onto my computer. During this process is where most of the editing took place, effectively making to digital version of the manuscript a second draft WIP.

If during my commute I was not in a creative frame of mind I'd re-read, proof and edit anything that had not yet been transcribed. I used a black for creation and a red pen for edits. Minor edits were made between lines with notes in the corresponding margins. More complicated comments and adjustments were indicated by an encircled number in the margin. The number indicated that detailed notes could be found at the back of the pad.

Hope this helps.

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