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Topic : Re: What to consider when choosing a pen name for a sci-fi novel? I am writing a sci-fi novel with a female main character. My style is lo-tech, more about character development and a beautiful -

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I would keep it logical and simple. If you make it too wild, people will assume fantasy, or something ridiculous like the Series of unfortunate Events, the author of that being Lemony snicket.
I would take from Jules Verne. Two one syllable names. It flows. I personally would stay away from initials and a last name, because one thinks of J.R.R. Tolkien or J.K. Rowling who are fantasy authors.
At least don't have a J initial. However, one could also think of H.G. Wells.
But mostly you see clear, sophisticated names from sci fi authors. If you decide on a feminine name, I would go with something that sounds classic and smart. Names like Elizabeth, Margaret, Victoria, Blythe. And for last names avoid Z's and X's and anything that sounds too particular to a culture (Like Spanish or Russian names) Easily pronouncable. Unique enough to be the only one and remembered, but plain enough to not make people giggle when they say it.

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