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Topic : Where to put statistical signifance test results I’m writing on my master thesis/dissertation and performed Chi-square tests to my check for statistical significance. I'll present the results of -

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I’m writing on my master thesis/dissertation and performed Chi-square tests to my check for statistical significance. I'll present the results of these tests in a table.

Now I’m wondering if I should include this table in my dissertation's main part or in an appendix. The table is rather long (half a page), so the appendix-approach would save space. However, I’m not sure if that’s something you should do as these test results are, of course, important to back up my findings.

What’s the best practice for that?

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This really depends on the conventions in your academic field, and you haven't told us what that field is.

Have you read papers that have similar bunches of statistical tests? If so, I'd follow their practice. One thing to note, though, is that the practices for theses/dissertations might be different than those for papers in academic journals because a thesis/dissertation is probably less likely to have a page limit. (And if you are working under a page limit, I'd expect that the appendices are included in that limit.)

If you intend to discuss the contents of the table in depth, it should definitely be in the body of the paper. If it's just there to back up that you did the work, but you're not going to refer to it, then moving it to an appendix might be a good idea.

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Half a page is not that much, unless you have a very strict limit in term of page number. Since the results are important to back up your findings, it's probably a good idea to show them in the main part, where they are most relevant.
Having it in your main part would let you reference the table directly, that could be a pro.

Of course you don't have to discuss the table in-depth if you don't think it fits within your dissertation. Eventually, you could leave those kind of remarks to the appendix.

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