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Topic : Re: Rewriting a scifi story to fit with actual science, should I do it as I go? Rewriting a scifi story to fit with actual science, should I do it as I go, or just write first and make the -

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I'm trying to make certain I have scientific details correct in my current project. I've been checking everything from solar radiation to rainfall patterns in different biomes. My storytelling will suffer if I get too hung up on the science, though, and i risk falling down the rabbit hole of scientific minutiae every time I start googling for what is known about something scientifically. But on the other hand I want no misinformation.

Many readers will shut off with too much science, in my experience. I think characters must come first.

I decided to write the first full draft focusing on story and characters. I added only what science I had on hand or could be found with a quick google. i flagged areas that could be beefed up with better science, in a subsequent draft.

I've spent some time on Worldbuilders SE to check my understanding of the science of key plot points.

I will devote one round of edits specifically to checking and correcting science.

I wanted to post an answer because I resonate with your question. What I settled on was to write the first draft to get it on paper, and then dedicate one edit to science. This is working for me.

(I've been surprised by how many people are turned off by science. Even a simple word like Helium made one reader uncomfortable this morning. Characters first.)

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