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Topic : Re: Are more or less details better for details that do not play a role in the story but describe where part of the story takes place? I'm testreading a novel for somebody I know. It's an adventure -

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It doesn't really matter how much more experience he has than you: if he's asking you to testread, he presumably wants your opinion as a reader. And this case, he didn't provide enough detail for you, the reader, to visualize the setting.

You can't stand in for all readers, but let him know, that for you, the more sketchy approach to describing that setting did not work. You aren't "forcing" an opinion unless you actually have a way to make him change his writing to match your preferences.

He will still make the final decisions as a writer, but there's no point having a testreader if a) that reader suppresses his or her reactions or b) the writer fights all the feedback.

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