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Topic : Re: New story in 'same universe'. When is it a sequel? How to title? This is a two-part question, and I hope that's okay. 1. Would it classify as a sequel I've created a 'universe' in which -

10% popularity

You are overthinking this, and getting out ahead of yourself. If your first book is a hit, your publisher will like insist on marketing the second as a sequel if it has any relationship to the first at all.

If not, you'll be able to position it as you wish. However, there's some advantage to signalling the audience that this is a shared world --audiences like the familiar, and it gives them the sense that their investment in your universe is worth something.

Just a few examples of books with widely different settings, characters and moods, and sometimes even historical eras, that were successfully linked largely just via a shared universe include Andre Norton's Witch World books, Diana Wynne Jones' Dalemark Quartet, Robin McKinley's Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown, and Susan Coopers' Dark is Rising sequence.

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