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Topic : On Scrivener, Hitting Return Key is Causing Double-Space when it shouldn't At the end of a paragraph I hit return ONCE. (I check to make sure, using format - show invisibles, and yes, there -

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At the end of a paragraph I hit return ONCE. (I check to make sure, using format - show invisibles, and yes, there is one return.) Yet, even though I my entire document is single spaced, Scrivener inserts a double spaced line break that I can't seem to get rid of. I tried selecting the whole thing again, just to make sure, clicking on single space, but again everything is single-spaced EXCEPT the line after the return. I tried typing a single word and hitting return -- same thing, double-spaced. This does not happen in pages, only when I am using Scrivener.

Please help! Thank you.

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Select the text.
Click the ‘Set the line spacing’ button.
Choose ‘Other…’.
Set ‘Line height multiple’ to 1 and ‘Paragraph spacing before’ and ‘after’ to 0.0.

Click OK.

To make this apply to all new documents, go to Scrivener Preferences → Formatting and choose ‘Use Formatting in Current Editor’.

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