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Topic : What's the proper format for a book proposal that will be sent to multiple publishers? I'm working on a book idea ( historical fiction with creative nonfiction pieces) and I want to create -

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I'm working on a book idea ( historical fiction with creative nonfiction pieces) and I want to create a proposal for it. I haven't done much research on publishers or that process yet, but I assume I'll be submitting my proposal to many different publishers for consideration. I want to create a book proposal that will satisfy most guidelines for submission.

I'm wondering things like:

a good default font to type a proposal in.
how much spacing should be between sentences.
the overall format of a proposal; what information should be included?

So far I think I should include a quick intro of who I am and a few chapters of my work, but I'm a little lost about what else I should include.

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If you are submitting to a publisher that has their own guidelines, you should follow those, even if you are submitting many other places. They provide them for a reason, and following directions is the easiest gatekeeper to pass on the route to publication.

In my experience, the following are the most common generic asks for a modern book proposal, which is entirely oriented around solving the question "how will we sell your book":

Hook: Why would a reader buy this?
Audience: Who would buy this?
Author's platform (formerly author bio): What are you bringing to the table that will help sell your book? (expertise, name-recognition, social media presence, networks, etc).
Comps (comparison books): What similar books are currently doing well in sales?
Outline/Summary: Some publishers/agents want a brief outline, others want a detailed, chapter-by-chapter summary, it's often best to include both.
Excerpt: Some of the common guidelines are "the first 30 pages" or "the first 3 chapters". It should be absolutely 100% free of errors and typos.

Generally, your proposal should be a double-spaced, unremarkable 12pt serif font like Times or Times New Roman. I typically include a page header with my last name, the book title and the page number. There are a number of good online and print resources with more detailed instructions, I would highly recommend finding and following one --Writers' Market generally includes one in each edition, for example. Also be aware that many publishers/agents prefer to receive a query letter first, and a full proposal only on request. (The query letter usually contains only the hook, platform and comps. It's a good idea to include some indication that you've specifically targeted the recipient, not just sent out a generic e-blast.)

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I did the Masterclass course on how to write a novel, thought by James Petterson, and his idea of an outline was different (and much better) than anything I saw online. He basically summarizes every single chapter of his books in a long paragraph for each. In the end, after reading the whole thing, the Publisher will have understood the entire plot. This is also a great idea for yourself as a writer too, because you will begin the "writing" part with all the pieces in place. All you have to do is flourish them with your scenes.

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