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Topic : Re: How can a main character learn about a secret event that will take place? I am writing a story for a comic book and at this point I am stuck. I want my protagonist to learn that a delivery -

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A couple of other ideas that haven't been suggested yet:

The protagonist gets lucky. He's off chasing an unrelated (or seemingly unrelated) lead or clue, and just happens to stumble across evidence of the impending delivery: financial records, an overheard mook conversation, or even the actual delivery preparations.
Someone defects. One of the villain's mooks decides he wants nothing more to do with whatever's going on, and tells the hero about it.
Sabotage by another villain. If this is a superhero comic with a rogues' gallery of different villains, Villain B might decide he doesn't like Villain A muscling in on his territory and rat him out to the hero.

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