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Topic : Which free text analysis tools do authors use? I'm looking for free tools to perform some text analysis. I don't want just simple Flesch-Kinvaid or Coleman-Liau score, I was hoping for a tool -

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I'm looking for free tools to perform some text analysis. I don't want just simple Flesch-Kinvaid or Coleman-Liau score, I was hoping for a tool that identifies problem sentences, overused words, etc.

There is a plugin for Google Docs called "ProWritingAid", but every report requires payment. Before I go ahead and pay for it, I wanted to check in and see if there were standard free tools available for creative writers.

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My first thought was to use Python with the NLTK package.

If that's too technical the somewhat less technical AllenNLP might be worth to check out. It supports co-reference resolution, which means it can track entities across sentences. It could be useful for checking whether you're overusing words.

Did a quick Github search for correct sentence and found:

chat correct: a Ruby script that helps correcting sentences and that shows the mistake made.
Markov sentence correction: a Python script using a Hidden Markov model (i.e. machine learning) to correct sentences based on a vocabulary list.

Did an other Github search on grammar check:

language-check: a Python script using LanguageTool that checks for writing mistakes and can automatically give a suggestion for improvement.

LanguageTool: provides a simple browser add-on for FireFox and Chrome. It also has a stand-alone version and a Google Docs add-on. I think this would be the least technical solution.

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It does the job, essentially everything you've said and it's definitely worth your money.

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The Hemingway "app" (a website, really) is probably the most common suggestion for this, although you can Google others to try. You may need to experiment with a few of them. Unfortunately, the Hemingway app can condemn Hemingway's writing.

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