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Topic : Re: How to effectively document a product composed of complex microservices? I have a highly flexible software product consisting of a series of loosely coupled microservices. Each component is effective -

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What you just described is almost every Web based REST API. Those are nothing more than a series of calls, sometimes into the hundreds or thousands, that the developer has to put into a meaningful sequence. This also goes for client-based APIs, too.

The answer is tedious but not complex. First, every call has to be documented individually. Developers have to understand what the call does, parameters, side affects, and caveats. That's the easy part. Then it has to be explained how these parts fit together. This gets a little harder. This may be done through several comprehensive samples, a getting started, or comprehensive how to articles. You may not be able to document all the cases, but you can document enough so that they could extrapolate into new situations. You're an API documentation writer now.

In doing this, keep in mind a useful approach and write for yourself. That means, writing to yourself while you learn the product. If you need to learn something, others will need to know that, too. If you find something confusing, they will. What did you find useful while learning?

Finally, review others' APIs. A good starting place is

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