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Topic : Re: Is there a dialog tag for when someone is saying something in awe? I'm looking for a dialog tag for when someone is in awe and saying something along the lines of "oooooo!" or "wooooooow!" -

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One option you may want to keep in mind is that ooh or ooh and aah can actually be used as a verb, in place of writing out "ooooo" as dialog. Something like "Ooooo!" say said with awe can be replaced with something like

They oohed in awe/wonder.

or, of course,

They oohed and aahed (at the wondrous sight).

As a bare sentence this sounds a bit primitive, but depending on context it can be less jarring than spelling out the interjection, and also cleanly conveys a sense that some people may have said "wow" while others used "ooo" (with varying numbers of Os and exclamation marks) or some other exclamation.

If you have other dialog for your character to say, oohed can even be its own dialog descriptor. For example:

[H]e still remembers hitting poor Jasper Moss in the face with a baseball, Jasper distracted by an airplane, "An L 10–11," he oohed right before the ball smacked his nose . . . .
—David Gilbbert, The Normals: A Novel

Bacharach, clutching his first Oscar, alleged he was overwhelmed. "Two of them, it's fantastic," he oohed, and added: "I'll put them on the breakfast table" . . . .
—Films in Review Vol. 21, snippet view

Just don't combine an interjection with the oohed tag:

*"Wow!" they oohed.

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