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Topic : Re: Writing diversity I am writing a military sci-fi novel about an international military force facing aliens. My cast is very diverse: the MC is Yemenite-Israeli, his love interest is German, his -

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I can tell that you've seen the risks, and as Dan says the big Thing To Avoid is the appearance of tokenism. It's worth mentioning that the diversity so far looks to be national rather than ethnic or religious, but maybe you already have that covered. Interestingly, we don't know from the first paragraph description that you don't have a black or Muslim character - I know some black Irishmen, and I'd love to read about an Islamic Israeli.

The unpleasant character? It's a contrived device, but they could share certain of the nationality/ethnic group/religion characteristics with another character, and have significant philosophical differences. That way it would be clearer that you were talking about a German, and not The German (for example).

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