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Topic : Is it discouraged to format a list of items vertically? In my writing, I tend to format lists of items: The school has a vegetable garden in which the children grow cabbages, onions, potatoes, -

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In my writing, I tend to format lists of items:

The school has a vegetable garden in which the children grow cabbages, onions, potatoes, and carrots during their free time.

as actual vertical lists:

The school has a vegetable garden in which the children grow

potatoes, and

during their free time.

However, major document markup languages, such as HTML and Markdown, do not allow vertical content in paragraphs [1], i.e. the above text is actually internally represented as two separate paragraphs with a list in between. This, in turn, makes it difficult to style a web page to e.g. indent the first line of a paragraph without somehow extending the markup. Is this a deficiency in HTML and Markdown, or is the above use of lists rare / generally discouraged?

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While you can structure a list within a sentence this way, it's typically frowned upon. The preferred style would be to preempt the list with a complete thought that describes the list which follows it and treat that list as a break between thoughts. If you choose to have a vertical list you're saying it's important enough to be its own element and therefor draw the eye and break up a text. So, while it could be within a sentence, it often isn't and wouldn't be published that way without extremely good cause (or a desire to just muck with convention for art's sake).

<p>Lots of a text goes here. Perhaps multiple sentances. But I'm about to make a point. And now I'm making it. Here's a list that describes the options:</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<p>New paragraph begins here.</p>

Lots of a text goes here. Perhaps multiple sentances. But I'm about
to make a point. And now I'm making it. Here's a list that describes
the options:

Item 1
Item 2

New paragraph begins here.

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