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Topic : Re: Would George Orwell get hired in today's expert climate? I've asked the question a few times before about how to get published in newspapers and magazines, and the most common response has been, -

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I think Orwell would still succeed.

For one, a century ago there were simply fewer qualifications to be had; and there has been massive "education inflation" since then; in the USA the number of Bachelor's degrees per capita has gone from about 4% in 1925 to over 30% today. Thus, what we would call "high school education" or "some college" (which Orwell achieved) was actually an elite percentage, equivalent (in percentage) to completing a Master's degree today. So really, Orwell was highly educated, for his time.

Also, Orwell was winning and placing highly in writing contests as a young teen; he won a half-price scholarship to a private school based on his father's personal contacts (his father was a writer) and his own writing ability (poetry), and Orwell was writing and publishing things long before he completed his education and went to Burma.

That route is still available today: For example, it is notoriously difficult to break into the screenwriting business, but there are at least three national screenplay contests in the USA that anyone can enter (with a full and completed screenplay), and the winner is definitely read by all the major studios, and almost always bought by one of them. Bingo, you've won a contest, sold a screenplay, and maybe it even got made. That's three credentials.

I imagine there are still contests like this for other types of fiction, short stories, etc. I recall buying a book of top-placing stories from such a contest; so there wasn't just one winner, but a dozen, and they got paid.

So like George Orwell, Win a contest or three, or in his case, come in second to your best friend: Orwell's best friend in school, Cyril Connolly, eventually became an editor and then published several of Orwell's essays.

So in the modern world, yes, a talent the magnitude of George Orwell would become famous and "get hired" or get published. Probably with a modern style and modern cultural sensibilities, of course. He could become known through winning contests; and there are many publishers for first time authors. As for essays specifically: It is not expensive in the modern world to start a blog and not difficult or expensive through social media (eg Facebook, Twitter) to become known for it; and virtually nobody demands your educational credentials before they deign to read. There are also many sites, e.g. Daily Kos and perhaps Huffington, that will take free contributions and would let a modern Orwellian talent quickly gather many followers, which are their own form of credential and a route to paid publication.

Venues that pay for pieces are nearly all for-profit enterprises interested in marketability, readers, some reason to believe people will like and read what they publish. So even if it is free; If a modern writer had millions of followers on twitter (Kim Kardashian has over 100 million), breathlessly waiting for their next installment, you can bet magazines would pay him for those essays, regardless of the author's education level.

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