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Topic : Re: How can I get started screenwriting/playwriting? I have some experience writing stories, but would like to beginning screenwriting. Are there any online guides to show how to get started and transition -

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The following applies more to playwriting than screenwriting.

Stuart Spencer's The Playwright's Guidebook is the best book I've seen on the subject. It's practical and accessible but not dumbed-down, and built from his own experiences in the theater world.

On top of reading books and studying plays, I would say start going to the theater regularly. Plays are meant to be experienced, not read. To go even further, donate your time to a local small theater group. This might mean setting up and tearing down sets, lighting, even acting, but that's part of the deal. Not only will you see how theater "works", you'll also make contacts with the very people who produce the work of young playwrights.

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