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Topic : Is it possible for "weakness" to be a "virtue" in context? I'm working on a teen romance. The event is the high school play, the "Sound of Music," in which there are two main contestants -

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I'm working on a teen romance. The event is the high school play, the "Sound of Music," in which there are two main contestants for the role of Liesl. They are designated "A" and "B," because those are the grades they received in drama class.

A, a very worldly, boy-chasing girl, is initially elected by her fellow students for the part (by a margin of one vote). After a week, she is shifted to playing the worldly and seductive Baroness von Schroeder, (who loses the Captain to Maria), because in A's own words, "As Britney Spears would say, "Oops I did it again, because I'm not that innocent.'"

B, who has dated only one boy in her life, is awarded the role of Liesl, and plays "herself'. "I am sixteen, going on seventeen, I know that I'm naive."

Is it plausible that B's weaker overall acting abilities and lesser life experience is actually a "virtue" or at least not a fault when it comes to her playing Liesl? That is, B, a shy, reserved girl plays a better Liesl, than the other girl who is too slick? Especially when she "compensates" by being "Rolf's" everyday girlfriend?

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Strength and weakness will often (possibly always) need to be judged in context, so something that appears weak out of context may be a strength and vice versa - the person who uses a sledgehammer to crack a nut will not eat many nuts.

From the part of the plot you've given us, it sounds like the person or people making the casting decisions don't think either of the two are accomplished enough actors to play against their own character (ie. both would play a version of themselves), so the more demure B would be the best fit to play that particular character.

The plot as you've described it sounds both logical and plausible.

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Do you recall the horrific murder in Amish country about ten years ago, when after the murder the amish community invited the murderer to pray with them? (It may have been his family - I don't recall, but it was striking.) They took the assailant (or his family?) in briefly, because they held to the belief that he, as a murderer, suffered as much, or more, than they did, as victims.

It seemed like an atypical, 'weak' response on their part.

I think there is a profound truth in the community response. I think the 'weakness' in the Amish response in this true story is their great strength.

Naivety, innocence, weakness, inexperience ... lack of ego ... there is something 'in this ballpark' that is both a strength and a 'hole in the market.' (At least IMO). Write the character. I want to read it.

I think you could develop an amazing character who is inexperienced and placed in the position of 'center stage' in the production and the novel.

She would hold certain beliefs held from childhood, which are truths. Hold hands. Help one another. Look both ways before crossing the street. Eat cookies several times a week, at least. This creates a nice contrast with the common crop of superheroes and teen role models. I think it's a great idea if you can develop the plot satisfactorily.

My answer: Yes. Weakness, as you define it, can be a strength.

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