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Topic : Does CreateSpace (Print-On-Demand) print and ship books to the customer, or do I need to do that? If I self-publish a book on Amazon using CreateSpace, when someone orders a copy, do I need -

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If I self-publish a book on Amazon using CreateSpace, when someone orders a copy, do I need to go to a local printing company, have it printed, and shipped to them?

Or does CreateSpace print the book and ship it to the customer? Is that how print-on-demand works?

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I published my book at CreateSpace, too. If an order gets in, they print the book, ship it to the buyer and collect the money.

Simple work.

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That is how print-on-demand works. It would be best to order a proof, before you publish, which is around 10 dollars U.S, but after you publish with CreateSpace, they will print your book, and ship to whoever buys.

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