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Topic : Re: Plotting a Compelling Story How should I approach plotting a compelling story, i.e. one aimed at changing the way people think and behave (rather than just being "art for art's sake")? I want -

10% popularity

There are a couple good answers here. I would also add one which may help you. As an exercise, you might want to try telling stories. It's deceptively simple, quite hard to master and really helpful with writing a plot.

Here is the exercise: (feel free to adapt to your particular situation). Find a patient friend you like to be around. Have them come over and sit on the porch with sweet tea or whatever your local equivalent is. Tell them a new and original story that has never existed before. It can be about anything. It must have a beginning, a middle, and some kind of ending. It can take place anywhere. It can be any length, but you should try to be able to fill more than 15 minutes with oral storytelling. It can be sad, funny, scary, or whatever you want.

Now, rinse and repeat regularly. After a very few sessions, you will run out of remembered stories and start pulling out pieces of other stories and putting them back together in different ways. After a few more sessions, you will develop a natural instinct for good plotting, when to introduce a twist, how to build suspense, and how a story "wants" to be wrapped up in a satisfying way.

You can do this with anybody who is willing to sit and listen, and you will quickly find that there is some performance pressure to keep things entertaining enough for them to want to come back. This is good.

Once you have gone through the exercise of coming up with entertaining stories on the fly, you will quickly be able to "wrap" a plot around an idea, even a polemical idea. This will introduce a new level of challenge and also give you the tools to write an inspirational story the way you want to.

I have an ambitious prediction: if you spend some time telling stories like this, literally every single aspect of your writing will dramatically improve.

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