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Topic : Re: Concentration whilst Writing The mental aspect of the physical act of writing is giving me some trouble recently. In other words - I think that I'm thinking too much as I'm writing and it -

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I like all the answers but mine would probably be similar to Henry Taylor's. I would say though, that if you have a moment of flow, (~muse) go ahead and allow it and save the words elsewhere. In other words, allow your muse if you like if it doesn't derail you from getting through the draft, but definitely silence your critic (Say 'No,' out loud, any time it pipes up. Simple.)

Also, plan PLAN PLAN for your first draft to be crap. I'm serious.

As you write, you might find lots of different 'ways' to write. Morning might be structured, mid day might be wherever your morning led you (less structured) evening might be something else. You might become more familiar with how your brain works through this endeavor.

IMO, Different parts of your story will require different skills. Different stages of your drafting will also require different skills. I can edit for technical details easily when my brain refuses to be creative. Search and replace does not require a muse but getting rid of passive voice is necessary anyway!

Just plop down and write. Push through it. Tell your critic to go away. We all write bad. I sure do. Others say the same.

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